Training For Trainers

A pilot group guided by View from Here, supported by Cemea del Mezzogiorno and Pistes Solidaires,  created a specific format dedicated to the preparation of trainers/advisors who, in different countries, followed locally 148 seniors participating in the training course, taking them through the re-discovery and growing of their competences and in the creation of their own E-portfolio. Community Action Dacorum has been in charge of the evaluation and internal feedback that contributed to the creation of the definitive version of the format. On the basis of the research previously elaborated on the background context of Senior Plus project, a training programme model was proposed. This model identified the areas of intervention of the trainers/advisors and their profile, needed to accompany and to interact with seniors in the process of creating their E-Portfolio. Before the format become definitive, it was tested at an international level with trainers/advisors sent by the different members of the partnership in July 2016 in Cantalupo in Rabina (Rieti). They contributed to validate it and integrate it, where possible, with their own experience. The document describing the definitive training format for advisors has also a support toolkit, that associates some suggested activities to the different areas of intervention for the advisors. As methodological tool for specialized personnel, it has been issued in English in order to maintain one unique linguistic reference glossary that facilitates understanding, mutual exchange of practices and possible evolutions. After the end of the project, the document and the toolkit represents the guidelines for training of trainers activities at local level, qualifying professionals to implement Senior Plus method.

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