About Senior Plus project

Senior Plus is a 2 years strategic partnership project – supported by Erasmus+ KA2 Adult Education – involving 6 organisations from 5 different European countries: Cemea del Mezzogiorno (ITALY) as applicant and coordinator, Pistes Solidaires (FRANCE), Associaçao Mais Cidadania (PORTUGAL), Community Action Dacorum (UNITED KINGDOM), Gulbene Municipality (LATVIA), View from Here (UNITED KINGDOM) as knowledge partner. Senior Plus deals with adults aged more than 50 years, unemployed or inactive, in the need to enhance their employability.

Active ageing means helping people stay in charge of their own lives for as long as possible as they age and, where possible, to contribute to the economy and society. Nowadays this concept has to be extended to people aged 50+, particularly exposed to long-term unemployment and poverty once they dropped out from labour market. The blows dealt by the economic crisis made evident all the limits of social security cushion, claiming for new tools enabling seniors to assess and re-design their medium-term perspective. A combination of training support and learning mobility in adult education for 50+, developed in the last years by the Senior Plus partners under Grundtvig programme, revealed all its potential to foster seniors’ self-esteem, motivation, personal branding and spirit of initiative. Essential elements and needed conditions for a regained employability.    

The project involved 148 seniors.

Senior Plus has been implemented through the following steps:

• EUROPEAN RESEARCH on the competences of people over 50, with a specific focus on which new competences they need to acquire, which ones to strengthen/update or  better communicate and the educative policy adopted in each partner country

• INTERNATIONAL TRAINING OF TRAINERS for staff to create a common methodological and educative ground and prepare the European trainers to implement the training for seniors over 50 in each local reality

• STAFF EXCHANGE to visit partners local reality and work within Senior Plus, to share good practices and learning by doing

• CREATION OF AN E-PORTFOLIO studied for the specific target group of people 50+

• IMPLEMENTATION OF “SENIOR PLUS” PATHWAY for seniors composed  by a training course to assess and develop their skills while accompanying them to realize the E-portfolio to communicate and present themselves

• GUIDE TO SUPPORT SENIOR VOLUNTEERING in international and/or local voluntary activities

• VOLUNTEERING EXPERIENCE for seniors at local and/or international level, to foster their self-esteem and self-awareness, to test their competences and feed their motivation to actively participate to their own life and the one of the whole community

• EUROPEAN PATHFINDERS PLATFORM to create links between organisations and seniors over 50, to match volunteers and voluntary opportunities in Europe and in each partner country. The platform is a follow up tool of Senior Plus

• MONITORING AND COORDINATION MEETINGS – 4 transnational consortium meetings with the participation of coordinators and managers for each partner in 2 years


Senior Plus aimed therefore to design, test and evaluate an innovative and combined pathway for the employability of people over 50 years old. Its action continues to be sustainable and achievable thanks to the strong cooperation that has been established with local bodies, who work to support employment of adults, and the synergies that  has been built between public and private sectors.

All the intellectual outputs realised by Senior Plus are availiable and downloadable (wehn text files) from the different sections of this website) 


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