European Pathfinders

The European Pathfinders platform lets organisations as the ones involved in Senior Plus to signpost the training offers within adult education that can be combined with local or international voluntary work. There is also the possibility to search for information about local organisations and projects that are willing to receive a senior for a voluntary work period without any geographic limitation. Seniors are able to link their own profile for potential voluntary work with direct access to the E-Portfolio system prepared by Senior Plus. The platform system is able to combine requests, offers, and training/preparation/support available for seniors by cross-referencing the information, suggesting the organisations available for preparation or the ones available for welcoming voluntary work, that better responds to the needs of the seniors. Priority is given to the volunteering possibilities in terms of geographical localisation. The user can widen the research if the results are unsatisfying, just by asking the platform to present further possibilities. The contribution of all the partnership was also in this case fundamental for having an accessible and multilingual interface. The platform is continuosly progressig, having already received the expression of interest of other 7 countries, iniatially not involved in the project, who are ready to translate the interface and to add more and more volunteering opportunities in their countries. 


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