Senior Plus, does it ring a bell?

In Pistes-Solidaires when a project works we always find a way to go further! Do you remember Senior Pass? It was a project that was launched by Pistes in 2013. This project allowed seniors to regain trust in them and to put words on their competencies. They were able to become mobile, to discover new horizons and come back home with their head full of ideas. Senior Pass was a series of training course that reached around thirty people! A great success? Yes! But here we want to do more!

Senior Plus is an Erasmus+ project develops on a two year basis. It’s an Italian association: Cemea Del Mezzogiorno, who is coordinating the project.  Six partners will work together to develop methods of non-formal education that will help improve the employability of seniors. The seniors are more and more exposed to long-term unemployment. The economic crisis has reshaped the social security of seniors. They now need to keep on training to avoid unemployment and rethink their professional midterm objectives.

Senior Pass has allowed us to underline the importance of confidence, of motivation and of the necessity to learn how to price themselves in front of the employers. They need to show that being a senior is not a handicap, but an added value for an enterprise. Those elements will also become very important for the Senior Plus project, but it will also allow help them to talk about competencies in a way that make sense on the labour market.

The project will include 20 seniors and will develop training courses based on competencies valorisation. Senior Plus will create an e-portfolio that will be used by the seniors in order for them to make skills assessment. The seniors that will participate into the project will be part of a training course, will be involved locally in social use activities and will go on mobility in order to discover new methods and take back ideas that will be useful for their midterm project.

Senior Plus in a nutshell it is: new development, new objectives, new mobility, new project and new methods in terms of education! 

Pauline Baudou
Project referent
Pau, 15th February 2016

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