February – May, 2014

Experimentation Phase

The Experimentation phase is the project phase dedicated to the revision and innovation of each local educational holiday centre model, thanks to the best practices/recommendations emerged through the Quality Chart and discussed during the midterm evaluation. The Experimentation phase brought to local and empiric implementation of a new common pedagogical approach. More concretely, the local Focus Groups, after sharing the practices directly exchanged or experienced in the other countries and the reflections about methodological and pedagogical approaches developed, were responsible of the process of change inside the partner organization they belong to, representing the “engine” guiding the experimentation phase needed to test common results in their own reality, before to become officially part of the Quality Chart for Educational Holiday Centres. The Experimentation phase had an important impact on the educational holiday centres of the partner organisations and explored all the different aspects STRUCTURE, ACTION, COMPETENCES and VALORISATION of the centre. Some examples are:

  • improving the holiday centre structure;
  • the use of active methodology for the activities;
  • the realization of a training course programme for youth workers involved in the holiday centre;
  • developing residential holiday centres;
  • welcoming a new educative and inclusive level approach;
  • building partnerships with local organisations and institutions and with public bodies;
  • increasing parents’awareness on the educational aspect of the holiday centre;
  • the realisation of a personalised Quality Chart to promote the educational holiday centre at local level;
  • the integration of the Quality Chart practices by other organisations in the partner countries.



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