Ayerbe, December 12th 15th, 2013

Study Visit Hosting Organisation


telecentro de ayerbe edhoc cemea spain

The association Telecentro de Ayerbe contains all kind of programs in relation with youth in a small rural area (3000 hbs).
Some of their tasks are to manage the YIA program; developing youth policies (prevention programs), improving the offer in relation with leisure activities, managing the youth information office (Youth information office: prevention, travelling, work, leisure activities) and they also try to attend the youngsters demands. Ayerbe Association is also a sending/hosting entity in the frame of EVS.
The association has been involved in several projects connected with the educational topic. In particular two of the association initiatives are specifically remarkable: the Young Rural Peers information points and the participation in many initiatives in the frame of Youth In Action Program as European Voluntary Service, youth initiatives and Youth Exchanges. This experiences connected to YIA has an educational component itself and also implies the need to have Educational Resources Centers, as resources for participants of these activities but also for facilitators and trainers who will lead these processes.

The trainers and the educators of the association invest a lot in training courses in order to improve their abilities and their skills in youth work and social work; the centre is also a training place and a referring point for training courses in the whole area of Ayerbe and its region.


Study Visit Aim

edhoc cemea logo

The study visit will involve participants (staff members, educators, parents) from each partner organisation: CEMEA del Lazio (ITALY), Associação Juvenil de Peniche (PORTUGAL), Keric (SLOVAKIA), Telecentro de Ayerbe (SPAIN), Chance for Life (ROMANIA).

The visit offers participants the opportunity to visit the hosting organization, exchange experiences and knowledge about educational holiday centres in Europe, with a special focus on the main topic of the visit, VALORISATION.

The theme VALORISATION deals with how to better put into value, both at local and European level, the results of the ED.HO.C. project through the Quality Chart, aiming to valorise the educative dimension provided in the holiday centre for children. The study visit wants to reflect on, compare and contrast different aspects concerning VALORISATION that can better be chosen and combined in order to increase the capacity of putting into value the educational holiday centre. The participants will discuss about and formulate a chapter about VALORISATION containing an introductory part to the Quality Chart and a valorisation plan.

You can find the calendar of the mobilities and more information about the study visits’ themes at the following link: http://www.cemea.eu/edhoc-educational-holiday-centre-en/




Study Visit Participants

Training Course Participants Cemea_eu

The Study Visit involves EDHOC participants that are involved at local level through the local working groups. 


CEMEA del Lazio, ITALY
Giulia Acciaroli
Francesca Buonuomo
Isabella Paoletti


Solene Mouton
Maria Čamborová

Simona Melicherová


Telecentro de Ayerbe, SPAIN
Enrique Miana
Cristina Gòmez 


Associação Juvenil de PenichePORTUGAL
Vitalina Santana
Ana Rita Leal


Change for de LifeROMANIA
Andreea Pop
Daniela Bengescu




Study Visit content…

Study Visit Content

During the Study Visit in Spain the participants will exchange, compare, enlarge their view on all the aspects related to the focus theme “VALORISATION” of the educational holiday centre.
The participants will explore and go deeper on the hosting organisation educational holiday centre reality in general and on the VALORISATION topic in particular, during the local visits and activities planned.
Part of the Study Visit will be dedicated to discussions and debates aimed at achieving a common agreement on which are the best quality aspects and ideas for Valorisation.
Participants will write together a chapter regarding the focus Valorisation, by elaborating the reflections of the local working groups and the outcomes of their discussions during the study visit. The chapter shall have two parts: one that formulates the Introduction to the Quality Chart document, explaining the aim of the Quality Chart and giving some reading guidelines, another one that describes the Valorisation plan, detailing its objectives, levels and target groups to reach, the best dissemination tools to use, the strategies to follow, etc..
A part from the written document (that represents the concrete result of the Study Visit), this process will give the chance to identify/give ideas about how to improve the VALORISATION dimension of each partner’s education holiday center.

A theoretical and pedagogical discussion about what observed and focused on the main thematic assigned to the visit, will be reported to the reflection group at local level.

edhoc visit spain calendar  

Where we will stay…


Study visit Where will stay_eu

Ayerbe is a town of 1117 inhabitants located in the Hoya de Huesca comarca, in the autonomous community of Aragon in Spain.
The town is known by many in the region for its “Tortas de Ayerbe”, which are sweet flat, round pastries, usually flavoured with aniseed.
Participants shall be hosted at the Hotel Villa de Ayerbe. All rooms include also TV and telephone. The hotel has free wi-fi, conference room, bar, living room, free parking space, elevator.


EDHOC – STUDY VISIT spain hotel




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